086 Mystery Box #2...
087 Seven Steps...
080 Jingle Jingle Little Bell (to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)...
081 Santa, Where Are You...
082 Goodbye, Snowman...
083 See You Later, Alligator...
077 Uh-huh!...
078 Bye Bye Goodbye...
079 10 Little Elves...
073 Five Little Pumpkins...
074 Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat (Part 2)...
075 Goodbye, My Friends (Halloween Song)...
076 Clean Up...
069 We All Fall Down...
070 Make A Circle...
071 Give Me Something Good To Eat (Halloween Song)...
072 Hello, My Friends...
066 Hello Hello! Can You Clap Your Hands...
067 Say Cheese! (Let's Take A Picture)...
068 The Pinocchio...
062 Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (Speeding Up)...
063 Eeney Meeney Miney Moe...
064 The Bath Song...
065 Who Took The Cookie...
059 After A While, Crocodile...