060 The Shape Song #2...
061 Rock Scissors Paper #2...
058 Do You Like Spaghetti Yogurt...
057 The Shape Song #1...
056 Rock Scissors Paper #1...
055 Rain Rain Go Away...
054 The Eensy Weensy Spider...
053 Hello!...
052 What Do You Hear...
051 Wag Your Tail...
049 My Teddy Bear...
050 Yes, I Can!...
048 Skidamarink...
044 What Do You Want For Christmas (Santa's On His Way)...
045 What Do You Want for Christmas (Part II)...
046 Count Down and Move (From 20 To 1)...
047 I'm A Little Snowman...
041 Hello, Reindeer...
042 We Wish You A Merry Christmas...
043 Decorate The Christmas Tree...
037 Who Took The Candy...
038 One For You, One For Me...
039 Go Away, Spooky Goblin!...
040 Put On Your Shoes...
033 Can You Make A Happy Face (Halloween Song)...